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Ok here is where I will post if you missed a status update on facebook
1 but its getting better now he found it in him to forgive he walked the city and he found a place to live in a half way house halfway down (B I chose this day for this song for a reason to get a bonus name why )
2 da da da da da da da da da da hey i got alot of faith in ya ill stick with you kid thats the bottom line
3 whats money to your soul watch as money takes control And is there space for every boy and girl in a competitive, material world I guess we'll have to
4 Cause it's you that I love And it's true that I love and It's love (B what bread was this song used to advertise)
5 Full fathom five Some day I'll lie Singing songs that come from dead men's tongues (what orgasnisation used this song for an anniversary in 2005)
6 They said things to me like you're so wonderful You spoke of other things like I love you 'cos
7 My baby, my baby Don't you want me anymore My baby, my baby Don't you need me anymore
8 There was a girl I used to know She dealt my love a savage blow I was so young, too blind to see but anyway (Bonus The album this was on had 2 titles for a bonus name the 2nd title)
9 It's surprising what you will find there When you look on beyond the facade There are criminals posing as gentry Reality surrenders to farce
10 La da de de there aint no place I’d rather be (Bonus what 2 ads was this song used for)
11in a moment of time When the fruit becomes wine and the thought be comes the memory All of your Sorrow (B What advertisement did this song feature in+Name the band who originally did the music for this ad+ name the original song)
12 Do you know what the time is is it messing with your mind kid are you hurting all the time and you need a
13 And I'm growing in stages and have been for ages Just singing, and floating - and free dum de dum dum dum de dum dum
14 When my babys walking down the street (in the pink when you let me love you I was blue when you let me down black and blue)
15 Jump into the chevy headed for big lights want to know the rest hey (Bonus Finish the verse)
16 You scream in silence but I can hear so come my little (B what is the name of the song this band recently covered for a tv ad)
17 And I know im right for the first time in my life thats why I tell you
18 Deep in the valley I kissed her that day but It seems I’m thinking of you But I’m still thinking about myselfI don’t know...oh...oh...oh
19 what am i going to do i need some thoughts that are new dodododododododododododododo dedededededededededede (BONUS Which NZ band revived this song with a 90s feel to it)
20 I'm practicing your name So I can say it to your face It doesn't seem right To look you in the eye And let all the things you mean to me Come tumbling out my mouth
21 guess I'm running back To you, you in my brain you in my heart; you in my brain you in my heart Long wind jammers sailing on the oceans The cold breeze blowing yeah go to sea man some don't come back my luck in the (b what tv show had this as its theme)
22 Asian cigarettes A long talk A few cans If you can Be my bare skinned baby We're in for a long night a strong night You Look what you've done to me You lit me You bit me I'm rapt Oh
23 She'll tug on my imagination I wait for an indication Systematic smiles with it She's just so sweet so fine So polite too
24 Theres a small boat made of china Going nowhere on the mantlepiece Do I lie like a loungeroom lizard Or do I sing like a bird released everywhere you go
25 He scratched his head, clicked his pen and looked me up and down as he called for Security he leaned towards me slowly with a frown and said
26 Keeping you on my greeting card file. And if it were different - did you know it ain't? Let's get on with it love...And call me
27 Put your clock back for the winter she asked when ill be (bonus What is on the cover of this album AND what uni was this used to advertise some years back)
28 Aotearoa, rugged individual glisten like a pearl At the bottom of the world The tyranny of distance didn't stop the cavalier So why should it stop me? I'll conquer and stay free
29 I don’t know why sometimes I get frightened you can see my eyes you can tell that im not lying
30 Yaaaaaa yaaaa yaaay yaaa (Forget about the last one Get yourself another )
31 There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost But you'll never see the end of the road While you're travelling with me Hey now, hey now
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