Songlines Across New Zealand



Ok so those of you who know me know that I am a HUGE supporter of NZ music. Now I want to test those of you everyday from MAY 1st until the end of May. On the facebook page for the magazine the Status update section on Facebook I will post a line from a NZ song now here is how to score points
Name of song - 1 point

Name of Artist - 1 point
Name of the album the song is from - 2 points (SIDENOTE if you just put best of this is only counted as 1 point unless it was written specifically for the best of )

Bonus question(if there is one) - 1 Point
At the end of the week if there is one name the Theme of the week bonus 5 points
 To enter you either have to be friends with me on facebook or be a fan of the facebook page of the magazine the link for the facebook page can be found on the main page on this site if you do not have a facebook page or are unable to regularly check the status updates You can email me at with SANZ in the subject line and I will email the whole quiz to you for you to enter. The Prizes this year are a weekly draw the person with most points each week wins if you win you cannot enter for the rest of the draws if you do not win the week you enter your points mount up each week until you win if that happens.  Here is an example of the points system
you feeling good today cause I got told that you weren’t smashed up on your own motorway.

song is Pacifier 1 point
by Shihad 1 point
from the album General Electric 2 points

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