Songlines Across New Zealand
  Don Mcglashan + Band at Tauranga Art Gallery 13th.06.2015
First up this was an idyllic location for a gig like this.The art gallery may be a place where we look at art but the show that those at the gallery witnessed was a masterpiece in the audio form.
In just Over two hours we heard Artfully told stories in song that were  only captured by those in the presence of the music.
the first half of the set was the lucky stars album in it’s entirety the second half of the set Don scratched the surface of his back catalogue ranging from his past solo work, the Front Lawn, the Mutton Birds and even opened his second set with a from scratch drum piece.
Overall was a fantastic atmosphere where the songs spoke to you in different ways and resonated through the gallery.

setlist can be found here
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