Songlines Across New Zealand
  The Chills Somewhere Beautiful
This is one band that has been singing and floating and free for the past 30 years. whenever we get a release from these guys whether it is a single or an EP it is classed as an event and this release is no different. This album maybe called somewhere beautiful but to me it was truly something beautiful/Something Brilliant. This album could be classed as an entrée into the lead up to the main meal/event of a brand new studio album.
This is a live album that was recorded back in 2011 at a private party on New Year's Eve and is a great showcasing of previously unrecorded/unreleased tracks along with some of their more commonly known hits. It is soo hard to pick standout tracks as all of them are brilliant but my picks would go as far as Night of Chill blue with the hauntingly beautiful electric violin in the background, then we move onto the three great piano tracks Walk On The Beach, True Romance and great performance of Submarine Bells, another track that we hardly hear live is Male Monster From the Id there is a minor technical hiccup in the start of the performance but clears up about a minute in, another highlight of the album is what I mentioned earlier is the showcasing of a couple of new tracks entitled The Other and Go Canterbury.
Overall it is good to hear the chills still producing such heavenly pop hits 30 years on.
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