Songlines Across New Zealand
  A Weta Discovery
The Year 2000, the month August the place Tauranga New Zealand I had just returned from my first trip of 5 weeks overseas with my mum a week after my return I switched on the television and caught this music video (near the end of it) with four guys in a shipping container rocking out and thinking shit this song rocks so much energy and raw emotion in a song. Not much later I head into the music store (Sounds which is no longer here) and as I walk in I hear this familiar song which end up being Calling On I ask the store owner where I can find the cd (at the time Album was not out just the single for calling on) he tells me it is their last copy and awaiting more I ask to purchase it he removes it from the player makes the sale. When I got home I put it in my playstation and blast it from the tv for about 30 minutes. A little while later I discovered they had released an ep called the Natural Compression ep at this time the internet was relatively a new place for me to explore so I had not found ebay and trademe was in its infancy. I found an email address on Wetas website sent an email through asking about the ep but never heard back, in 2019 I finally found a copy on ebay based in Australia I snapped it up immediately (since then it has popped up on both trademe and ebay constantly)

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