Songlines Across New Zealand
  A look back on Panam from the perspective of a fan (that fan being me)
Back in the year of 2002 I came across an interesting music video with a catchy song connected with it. The video consisted of  a band of puppets ( and yes I mean puppets that were playing puppet instruments) later I would find out the song was called Long Grass and the band behind the song was an indie band called Panam I would later find this song on a compilation promo cd called Heatseekers that came with the Rip It Up Magazine. 
I remember thrashing that song over and over. A little while later the band released an ep entitled New Concepts In Sound Recording which had Long Grass aswell as an early version of what would later be a single from their debut album entitled song 1.   
They did 2 tracks for the flying nun 21st cd under the influence Saskatchewan a cover (originally by Superette  ) and their own track Japanese girls
In 2012 they rerecorded and released another version of their previous track Song1 

New Concepts In Sound Recording  May 2002
Panam Selftitled July 31st 2003

Long Grass
Japanese Girls
Interstate Boy
Song 1
Cigars In The Suitcase 
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