Songlines Across New Zealand
  Remembering Paul Hester (crowded House Drummer)10 years on
26th of March 2005 is a day that I can remember clearly first up it was Good Friday but for me it was more notable for a great loss in such a horriffic way. It was the day we lost Paul HesterNow some of you may be wondering who im talking about.  Paul Hester was the drummer from crowded house who commited suicide on the 26th of march 2005 now this gutted me (and a HUGE amount of fans when the news spread I took it hard and didnt really listen to crowded house as much as I used to. 
This guy was an amazingly talented guy drummer of crowded house and he even contributed songs from time to time like Italian plastic (from woodface) Skin Feeling(Together Alone) My Tellys Gone Bung(Afterglow) he also has an unreleased solo album called Hairy Nuts
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