Songlines Across New Zealand
  U2 or not U2 (That is the question)
On Tuesday the 9th of September (10th spetember New Zealand time) any one with an itunes account or apple product that has a music application would have found that they were now in possession of U2's new album Songs Of Innocence whether or not they wanted it. Now alot of people cried fould/invasive/invasion of privacy but what you need to know is if your apple device is synced with the Icloud then you get the album automatically. The album is stored on the Icloud. People need to get the full information. Some of us (myself being one of the few) had to manually sync with the Icloud (when I saw the announcement I was excited especially being a U2 fan but logged into my itunes to find it not there only to find I needed to sync with the Icloud.
At the time of writing this piece I have gone through the album 8 times (far more times than I went through No Line On The Horizon) I feel this album has so much more strength and power to it compared to the last album.
I likened this album to U2's 1991 album Achtung Baby (which is where I became a fan) Every Breaking Wave to me would be this albums version of one basically it is that powerful.
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