Songlines Across New Zealand
  I Want My New CD 30th anniversary of the CD
Now this year 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the first pop/rock album to be directed at the cd market, it was a full digital recording and at one time it was the only cd being manufactured due to very high demand that cd was Dire Straits Brothers In Arms best known for it's singles So Far Away, Money For Nothing, Walk Of Life, Brothers In Arms and Your Latest Trick. Originally this article was going to talk about that album but the direction changed into asking people 2 to 3 questions.

1Do You remember what your first ever cd was
2 Do you still have it
3 if question 2 was no Do you on occasion grab a copy for memories sake

to kick things off we contacted John Illsley Bass player of Dire Straits we asked him the same 2 questions along with any memories he had and his favourite track from the album of Brothers In Arms

well my first cd was of course the BIA’s cd ,and yes I still have it. The album was one of the first to be recorded on digital tape ,we shipped 2 of the sony digital recording machines to Monseratt where George Martin had a branch of Air Studios,the machines were delivered to the studio in a couple of beaten up utility trucks . After about 3 weeks of recording mostly the basic tracks ,we came in one morning to be told that the digital the had lost a high percentage of the drum tracks arc all the songs .Effectively we had to start again . It was good to have Sting come an do a spontaneous vocal on Money for nothing ,he was on holiday wind surfing and came up for supper ,heard MFN and loved it .Mark suggested he sing on the track there and then -hey Presto. The title track is one of my favorites ,its a brilliant song and I think we did a pretty good job on getting it right

Jonh Anderson Owner of Songlines Across New Zealand
1 My first ever cd was the Lion King Soundtrack but then later my first ever album on cd was Eric Claptons Unplugged
2 I still have both albums in my posession (with the Eric Clapton one I have 2 copies as it was rerealesd on the anniversary with an extra cd and dvd)

Mike Chunn of Split Enz, CEO Play It Strange 
My first CD was  The Barracudas  "Surf And Destroy".   
I still have it
Here's a bit on them:
and this one toooooo

Simon Grigg of Suburban Reptiles,Audioculture 
my first CD was around 1986 I think and I think it was Elvis Costello Armed Forces or a Heaven 17 album. I bought them at Marbecks both around the same time. We paid almost $1000 for a CD player! I still have them both but whilst I still play that Costello album it's a much newer copy. Haven't played H17 for many years. Mostly I buy vinyl these days and have since the 90s.

Hamish Mckenzie Not Phased,
The first CD I ever bought was Savage Garden's debut album. The first one I actually owned was the Aladdin soundtrack. I don't have either on CD anymore but I do listen to Aladdin songs every now and then. Whenever I hear a Savage Garden song on the radio I somehow know all the words even if I haven't heard them in years.

Jayden Faass Abstract Thought, Take The Willing
Hey buddy, my first cd was an unlicensed copy of the group Arrested Development. Unfortunately I don't have it anymore but I have since got all their studio albums and listen to them from time to time. Cheers

Richard Morris
Lovesex by Prince yes still have it

Kurt Shanks Stella*, Delete Delete
the first CD I bought was the first Seal album. Produced by Trevor Horn - a piece of sonic beauty. Yes I still listen to it. Seal's second album was OK too, and from then on he was rubbish. The first record I ever bought was The Mockers 'Swear It's True' single

John Dix Authour Stranded In Paradise
I must have been a bit slow getting off the mark because the first CD I recall owning is Sharon O’Neill’s Danced In The Fire (1987). CD had long gone

Trevor Reekie Pagan Records
The first CD I bought (and I was a bit of a late starter) was Miles Davis 'On The Corner'. Yes I still have it but I no longer have a functioning CD and my means of listening is thru my lap top on I-Tunes. Thats more a change of habit dictated by my work than anything else. Because I've been living nomadicly much of my lifes possessions are in storage or just not around me. If I was fully functioning I would probably prefer vinyl to be my means of listening pleasure, but I am in unusual circumstances so I tunes it is. Once again, because of my work I rip trax from CD, buy from I-tunes and store all my own musical creativity (Trip To The Moon) etc on I-Tunes as well. One day I will get it together.

Jeremy Redmore Midnight Youth 
My first CD was Roxette - Look Sharp. I definitely still have it and play it regularly - it’s a singalong classic!

Brendan Smythe NZ On Air
I can't remember the first CD that I bought. Hmmm ... ? Sorry! Complete blank. I have still got quite a few CDs but no CD player these days. Except in the Toyota Corolla. Here's one interesting CD fact though. The first CD manufactured in New Zealand was Kiwi Hit Disc 32 May 29th 1998. Before that, we had to get them made in Australia.

Ashley Mckinley of Spork
Prodigy Fat of The Land and yes
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